Wednesday, December 9, 2009


We had a blizzard warning in effect from 6pm last night until 6pm tonight. It WAS a blizzard! I don’t know what the official snow total is but it is somewhere around 12”. Add 4o mph winds to that, and you get this:

008 copy

and this:

009 copy

and this:

The first two were taken by sticking my head and camera out the door and the last one was taken through a window. It was bitterly cold and I didn’t want to go all the way outside. No school today or tomorrow which made Presten very happy! He even played outside for awhile even though it was so cold. Hopefully we will get the driveway plowed by Friday so that we can go to his program at school. Off to make a warm cup of coffee to keep warm!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Personas for Firefox | Christmas dream

Personas for Firefox | Christmas dream

Posted using ShareThis


This link was shared on Facebook - The Big Sleep. (If you want to go read it, the link will open to a new window/tab). Four years ago this weekend we lost our daughter and granddaughter in a car accident. Even after four years, there is pain and difficult feelings. Especially the feeling that everyone else has forgotten them and "moved on." I am a Christian (as was she) and know that yes, "they are in a better place.' I also know that I will never "get over" losing them. Going back to work one week after losing them was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. This scrapbook page was one of the first digital scrapbook pages I ever made. Someday I will redo it.

BethanyandHaylee 1

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Brown - 11/17/09

Brown - this the color of just about everything right now. This is some tall grass along the walking path around the outdoor classroom.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


My friend Marcia and I went on a little photo shoot this weekend. We were looking for barns and old houses. We found a few and had fun imagining what they might have looked like in better days.  I used a worn overlay from Lynn Grieveson (Designer Digitals) on the photo.


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Scrapping, Blogging and Photographing the Ordinary

I started a "Project365" this year. Notice I said "started." I have struggled with it the past couple of months. Why? Because my life has been ordinary (i.e. boring) for the last couple of months. I stopped taking photos. I stopped blogging. I stopped scrapping. And then I see this class being offered by Simmelle called "Blogging for Scrapbookers." Just what I needed to get me going again! I've prettied up my blog, I finished a scrapbook page and I've even taken a couple of photos. And I've spent some time looking back at my "ordinary" photos. If I hadn't been trying to take at least one photo a day for my Project365 I might have missed this shot: 006edit and this one: 015edit and definitely this one:


I think I might be getting back on track! (These and many more of my Project365 photos can be found at my flickr site.)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

recent flickr faves

One of my favorite places on the internet is flickr. I can waste spend a lot of time there. This mosaic represents my most recent 25 images that I have marked as favorites. You can find a lot of inspiration of flickr - I highly recommend checking it out! (note: if you click on the image, it will take you to my flickr photostream where you can see it larger and see the credits).

Finished Layout

After posting this layout in the previous post, I decided to finish it. Credits: Template from Irene O'Neil. Background papers and frame from Lynn Grieveson's Summer Splash kit. Word art from Sue Cummings' 52 Inspirations Week 7 kit.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Blogger Template

Just messing around a bit with my background and header. I plan to do more but for now this will do. I would like to set up a 3 column layout (using this tutorial) and make my posting space wider. I am amazed at all the beautiful blogs I have been seeing on the blog list for Shimelle’s class. My biggest frustration today was trying to get my background image to appear the correct size. I wanted to use my images from Picassa but they just wouldn’t size properly. I had to resort to using Photobucket. Can anyone tell me how to  get my images the correct size using Picassa?

Anyway…no photo for today. It was very cold and windy by the time I got up and about today. We did plant tulip, crocus and daffodil bulbs. I love these springtime flowers!

Here is a layout that I have in progress:


I still need to to the title and journaling.

Today’s prompt was “Public vs Private”. I’m somewhere in the middle ground on this. I don’t publish too much personal information but don’t feel like I have to hide either. If I had journaling that I felt was too personal, I would probably just blur it with PhotoShop.

Off to view some of the blogs of other class participants!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Almost Leafless - 110209

These are my "driveway" trees that I photograph to show the passing of the seasons. All of our rainy weather in October made the leaves fall. There was very little color in the leaves this year. This is the 2nd sunny day in a row - yay!

Also today is the first day of Shimelle's "Blogging for Scrapbookers" class. My goal is to be inspired to post photos and scrapbook layouts on a more regular basis. I am a digital scrapbooker so I will be posting digital pages.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Rosebud - 082609

A mostly dreary day with some drizzle but there was a little sunshine and I was able to get this shot.

I mowed today but it didn't seem like I got much else done. I did finish ordering the materials for our Sunday School class. We will be trying some new materials and I'm excited to start using them.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

In My Garden - 082509

We dug our potatoes last week. This morning when I walked with Presten out to the bus, I found these kittens sleeping there. Silly cats!

Caramel PS action from My Four Hens Photography (from the Randomly Vintage set)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Yesterday and Today


Yesterday. Presten was playing with Cookie. She was purring the whole time so I don’t think she minded. This is how he gets scratched so often by the cats – he always like to have them up by his face. She didn’t scratch him at all and she follows him around everywhere when we are outside.


Today. Today was “meet the teacher” day for Presten. His teacher for 4th grade is Mrs. Mallen. I’ve heard good things about her and I enjoyed meeting her today. Tomorrow is the first official day of school for the elementary kids. 7 – 12 th grades started today. I hope it is a really good year for Presten. He has come a long way since the beginning of last school year!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Project 365


Here are my latest Project 365 photos. You can see the full photos on my Flickr site. Sometimes I have considered “dropping out” of Project 365 since I have missed a few days. All it takes for me to change my mind is to review all the photos I have taken this year – most of which I would not have taken if it weren’t for Project 365. Overall I am very pleased with many of the photos I have selected for my daily shots and there are a lot of others that I’m very happy with as well. I think I’ll keep going!

Friday, August 21, 2009


The I ♥ Faces website has a Friday feature called “Fix-it-Friday”. I thought I would give it a try this week.

This is the original photo:


The first one is after adjusting levels and curves. I also sharpened the eyes just a bit.


For the second one, I added Pioneer Woman’s Seventies action.


And this last one I converted to sepia using a black and white adjustment layer. This one is my favorite.


This is my first “Fix-it-Friday” so constructive criticism is appreciated.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Siblings - 080609

This is my little gray kitten with his litter mates. Yesterday he had a mouse and he was so ferocious when any other kitten or cat came near him. I picked him up briefly and he clutched the mouse in his mouth and growled the whole time. It was a small mouse so it is entirely possible that he caught it himself.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Blue Cornflower - 080409

Just playing around with textures and overlay blend modes. Texture from

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Bathtime - 080209

First one paw, then the other.

I figured that I should "feature" a different kitten. This is another of Tippy's kittens. They are all so cute. This one is almost as tame as the little gray and white one. There are also 2 little black and white ones.

I'm Ready..- 080109

...for my almost daily portrait. I'm just so cute. But I need a name. (He does need a name but I'm waiting for just the right one to pop into my head.)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Kitty Paws - 072709

Little Guy was outside for a bit while I was taking photos of stuff outside. He followed me around and would lay next to me. I caught this shot of his paws.

This is a perfect example of my P365 photo being completely different than what I originally thought it would be. On the other hand, I did take about 70 photos and when I have that many to chose from, I never really know what I'm going to use until it pops out at me.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Cookie on Patrol -072609

Cookie chasing bugs in the grass. At least that's what I think she was doing. She seems pretty intent!

Not sure why I haven't been uploading my photos here...just lazy I guess.

Tonight I'm bored. I shouldn't be because there are a ton of things I could be doing. Even some things I SHOULD be doing. Like finish my paper for my on-line class. I have put it off for months and I don't have any reason. ...

sorry....guess a little pitty party going on here.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Nevaeh and Crissy waiting for the 4th of July parade to start. Photo edited using "hand tinting" effect taught in Jessica Sprague's Photo Editing: Frame-ups & Special Effects class. I love how this turned out!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Monster Looking Out - 185/365

Just Monster looking out the window at me. I went outside this afternoon to look for things to photograph. He was watching me through the window. I know I take way too many photos of him but he is so photogenic and he's a poser. I'm sure to the casual observer he just another gray cat but to me he's beautiful. Like all cats, he has his own unique personality.

And once again, I'm behind on updating my blog. I'll try to do better :).

Friday, June 12, 2009

Catching up

Monday’s photo. Joe and the kids. This was supposed to be a semi-serious photo for Ann to take to show her children. Ann is my mom’s oldest sister. We met her officially for the first time. It’s a long story and those that need to know it, know it.

Tuesday’s photo. Just another photo of Tippy. She usually around when I’m outside and she takes awesome photos. I really like this one.

Wednesday’s photo. This is one of three hydrants on our property. Although the other 2 work, this one doesn't. If you look closely you can see a spider (and its web), a cottonwood seed and a fly all on the hydrant.

Thursday’s photo. Just Soldier Boy looking for a little tummy rub. Just don't do it too hard or too long or he will let you know that he's not happy!  Although this photo has had 10 views on Flickr, no one has commented. That is unusual for one of my cat photos. Maybe it’s just Soldier Boy – an earlier shot of him didn’t get any comments either. Oh, well, at least Presten and I think he’s a neat cat!

I haven’t edited today’s photos yet. I will do them tomorrow. I did participate in Cassie’s 30 Minute Masterpiece Chat at Designer Digitals tonight. I’ve tried before but didn’t come close to finishing. Tonight I actually finished and am pleased with the layout.


Sunday, June 7, 2009

560 - 158/365

I missed out on capturing the number 100 for day 100 but ever since then I've been on the lookout for numbers. I found this one today. Who knows - maybe I'll make it to day 560! (Even if I do, I'd forget where this number is - LOL.)

It was so dreary today. A little bit of rain this evening. This is the 2nd day of off/on rain so I haven't been in the garden to weed. I will need to do that as soon as it is dry enough. I can't believe how fast everything is growing!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Growing Geese - 155/365

The geese are growing so fast. The parents are still protective of them. I'm surprised that I was able to get this close. I like how the young ones are all walking in unison. The new fence was put up today so now they are a little more restricted in where they can go. We also received 8 young African geese that will be staying here until fall.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

June 3 - Hen - 154/365

Our chickens are free range. They go wherever they want and that means they build their nests in all sorts of places. This one is on top of the old doghouse. She is one of 3 hens (that we know about) that are sitting on eggs right now.
I'm going to try to get back in the habit of posting my photos here again also. I usually add more comments here and sometimes other stuff.

June 2 - The Tour - 153/365

AJ is working for us this summer. Yesterday he got the big tour to show him where all the trees/plants are that need to be watered. The clipboard on his lap is the big master list of projects for the summer. Note the cat (Tippy) riding on the back of the golf cart.

June 1 - Looking Around - 152/365

Little Guy looking around while I watered the newly planted fruit trees. He absolutely loves being outside but he likes to come inside when he's had enough. Or when Soldier Boy is around.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Goslings - 139/365

Here are the four goslings up a bit closer. If you look closely you will see that they are already starting to get feathers! This photo isn't as clear as I'd like but they will NOT let me get very close.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Crissy - 138/365

Crissy, my oldest granddaughter, was running around the yard. She slowed down enough for me to grab this shot. She is always on the move so it is so hard to get photos of her.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lilacs! - 137/365

This is what I have been waiting for all Spring! I love lilacs. We had two bushes of them when I was growing up and I always took a big bouquet to my teachers. Now we have 3 small bushes but they bloom heavily and are getting bigger each year. Thankfully the frost we had last night didn't hurt them.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Blue Bus

Photo: Uploaded by photographic*leigh on 15 May 09, 10.38PM CDT.

Ok this photo brought back memories from college! DaleAnn's family had one of these. I rode in it many times including a trip to Chicago and back. I even have photos of it somewhere!

Family - 136/365

The parents are very protective so it is very difficult to get close. I'm thinking I will try again tomorrow with a zoom lens. We have had this pair of Canadians for several years. This is the first year that they have had more than one gosling survive. I "think" we have had 5 previous babies. The first two flew away after they were grown - presumably to find mates. The other three are still here although one of them flies away from time to time but always seems to come back.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Bad Kitty - 135/365

Monster was sleeping on top of the DVR (where he isn't supposed to be). I didn't wake him up - he looked too innocent to disturb.

I'm not sure how I got out of the habit of posting my Project 365 photos, but I did. Now I need to get back on track posting them (and other things).

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Spring Reading Thing 2009- Update


I am participating in the the Spring Reading Thing challenge by Callapidder Days. Below is my list of book – I have crossed off the ones that I have completed and noted the one(s) in progress.

1. Warriors – Into the Wild by Erin Hunter

2. God's Solutions for Your Life by Charles F. Stanley

3. The Pathway by Laurel Mellin

4. The Eyre Affair by Jasper FForde

5. Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

6. Just Think by Nancy Nordenson

7. The Know-It-All by A.J. Jacobs

8. I Married Adventure by Luci Swindoll

9. Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller – in progress

10. The Leader in Me – Stephen R. Covey

11. Adobe Photoshop CS3 Classroom in a Book

12. Get Out of that Pit by Beth Moore

13. Living Artfully – create the life you imagine by Sandra Magsamen

14. Style Statement by Carrie McCarthy & Danielle LaPorte

15. Youth Workers’ Guide to Creative Bible Study – Karen Dockrey


I’m a little behind schedule to complete all of them by June 20th but it is still doable.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

you are my sunshine

Today I photographed some watercolor painted backgrounds that Emily & I made. I thought I would use one as a background for a scrapbook page. This is what I came up with. I really like how this came together.

Credits: watercolor background by me, Damask pattern overlay by CoffeeShop, ribbon (recolored) from Kasia Design's Summer Afternoon kit, title word art (recolored)from Jen Wilson's Sunnyside kit, blended word art from Paislee Press's presslines Summer Collection, PhotoMask #10 from Kylie M. Designs, and TotallyRad's Cinnamon action.

Watercolors - 108/365

Emily and I spent the afternoon painting watercolor patterns. I'm planning to bind them into a journal sometime in the future. In the meantime I thought this one would make a cool background for a scrapbook page

Friday, April 17, 2009

Nap - 107/365

Monster found an empty chair with a spot of sunlight for a nap. He is such a great cat to photograph.

I Believe I Can Fly - 106/365

Presten playing on a hill in the late afternoon sun. He kept saying "watch", "watch", "Grandma watch." So I watched and snapped a few photos.